The IPO of Citichem India Limited is scheduled to open on Friday, December 27, 2024, and close on Tuesday, December 31, 2024. The IPO is a fixed price issue with a face value of ₹10 per share, priced at ₹70 per share, and requires a minimum lot size of 2,000 shares. The total issue size comprises 18,00,000 fresh equity shares, aggregating to ₹12.60 crore, and will be listed on the BSE SME platform.
The basis of allotment for the IPO will be finalized on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, followed by the initiation of refunds and credit of shares to Demat accounts on Thursday, January 2, 2025. The shares are set to be listed on the stock exchange on Friday, January 3, 2025.
Incorporated in 1992, Citichem India Limited specializes in the procurement and supply of organic and inorganic chemicals, bulk drugs, and food chemicals, catering primarily to the pharmaceutical industry. The company is focused on the direct supply of specialty chemicals, bulk drugs, and intermediate products, offering a range of applications across diverse industries, including aluminum, steel, textiles, paper, dairy, paints, dyes and intermediates, soap making, pharmaceuticals, food, and adhesives. It also trades in specialty chemicals and intermediates while supplying food preservatives and chemicals under its brand, ensuring safe bulk deliveries through its distribution team.
Citichem India Limited provides key products such as Caustic Soda Flakes, Caustic Soda Lye, Citric Acid Monohydrate, and Hydrogen Peroxide, among others. The company operates through three core business divisions: Specialty Chemicals, Intermediates & Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API), focusing on indenting, sourcing, outsourcing, and supplying specialty chemicals to clients in the pharmaceutical, paint, and food industries; Food Chemicals, which includes repackaging, retail distribution, and marketing; and Laboratory Chemicals, offering comprehensive solutions for all types of laboratory needs.
IPO stands for "Initial Public Offering." It's the process through which a privately-held company becomes publicly traded by offering its shares to the general public and listing them on a stock exchange for trading. This allows the company to raise capital from investors and grants individuals and institutions the opportunity to invest in and own a portion of the company.
The life cycle of an IPO, or Initial Public Offering, begins with a company's decision to go public. It involves hiring underwriters, registering with regulatory authorities, determining the IPO price, marketing to investors, and the subscription period where investors place orders for shares. After allocation and listing, shares become publicly tradable, and the company enters the secondary market. Ongoing reporting and corporate governance are crucial as the company continues to operate as a publicly-traded entity. The IPO aims to raise capital for growth and provides investors with opportunities to trade shares in the company.
An IPO (Initial Public Offering) is when a private company goes public by selling shares to the public. Investors buy these shares, giving them ownership in the company. It's a way for companies to raise capital and expand. The process involves underwriters, regulatory filings, setting the IPO price, and marketing to investors. After the IPO, shares can be traded on a stock exchange. IPOs offer opportunities and risks, so investors should research and consider carefully.
"Upcoming IPOs" refers to initial public offerings that have been announced by private companies but have not yet occurred. These are companies that plan to go public in the near future by issuing shares to the public and listing them on a stock exchange. Investors often keep an eye on upcoming IPOs as they represent opportunities to invest in companies at their early stages of public trading, potentially capturing growth potential. These offerings are typically accompanied by significant media and investor attention as they approach their launch dates.