In a significant milestone, Uttar Pradesh has become the second state in India to surpass 1 crore registered investors in the equity markets. According to the latest NSE Market Pulse report, the state saw an additional 2.2 lakh investors in April, bringing the total number of registered investors to 1.01 crore. This makes Uttar Pradesh the second state after Maharashtra to cross the eight-digit mark in investor registrations.
The combined investor base of Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra now constitutes 28% of the total investor base in the country. However, despite this achievement, the rate of new investor registrations has been slowing down. Compared to March, which saw an additional 2.4 lakh new investors, April witnessed a slight decline. This trend has been consistent since January, when investor registrations peaked at 23.3 lakh.
Maharashtra continues to hold a significant position, coming in second for new investor additions in April with 1.9 lakh registrations. However, this number represents a 9% decrease compared to March. Despite the increasing number of investors, Maharashtra's share of the total investor base has also slightly declined from nearly one-fifth to 17%.
States | Investors (in Lakh) | Shares |
Maharashtra | 160 | 17.1% |
Uttar Pradesh | 102 | 10.9% |
Gujarat | 83 | 8.9% |
West Bengal | 53 | 5.7% |
Rajasthan | 53 | 5.7% |
Karnataka | 52 | 5.6% |
Tamil Nadu | 51 | 5.5% |
Madhya Pradesh | 45 | 4.8% |
Andhra Pradesh | 43 | 4.6% |
Delhi | 43 | 4.6% |
Gujarat holds the third-largest investor base in the country, with 82.9 lakh registered investors. In April, Gujarat added 94,000 new investors, a drop from the 1.1 lakh added in March. West Bengal follows with 53.1 lakh investors, taking fourth in the overall investor base. Notably, West Bengal added 1.09 lakh new investors in April, securing third place in new investor additions for the month. Rajasthan, closely trailing West Bengal with 52.7 lakh investors, contributes to the top five states, which collectively account for nearly half (48.3%) of the total investor base in India.
As Uttar Pradesh continues to strengthen its position in the equity market, it is essential to maintain the momentum by further enhancing financial education and ensuring easy access to investment opportunities. The collaboration between government bodies, financial institutions, and educational platforms will be critical in sustaining this growth trajectory.
In summary, Uttar Pradesh's achievement of crossing 1 crore registered investors marks a significant milestone in India's financial landscape. It underscores the state's potential as a major player in the equity markets and sets a precedent for other states to follow.