Intraday Trading Trends in India

Intraday Trading Trends in India: Key Insights and Statistics

  • Approximately 1 in 3 individuals who trade in the equity cash segment in India engage in intraday trading.
  • The number of individual intraday traders using the top 10 brokers increased to 6.9 million in FY23, a significant rise from 1.5 million in FY19, representing a 4.6-fold increase.
  • The participation of young traders (under 30 years old) in intraday trading surged to 48% in FY23, compared to 18% in FY19.
  • Female representation among intraday traders declined to 16% in FY23, down from 20% in FY19.
  • There was a notable increase in participation from Tier-1, Tier-2, and Tier-3 cities, with a 3x, 5x, and 10x rise, respectively, in FY23 compared to FY19.
  • The share of ‘Very Small’ traders (annual intraday turnover less than ₹50,000) doubled from 27% in FY19 to 56% in FY23.
  • In FY23, 90% of individual traders in the equity Futures and Options (F&O) segment incurred net losses, with the majority of losses concentrated among active traders. The average loss was approximately ₹1.1 lakh, highlighting the challenging nature of intraday trading

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