Vedanta Receives Initial Approval for Oil Drilling in Assam's Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary

Vedanta Receives Initial Approval for Oil Drilling in Assam’s Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary

The Forest Advisory Committee (FAC) of India’s Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change has granted in-principle approval to Vedanta’s Cairn Oil and Gas for oil and gas exploration in Assam’s Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary. The project will cover 4.49 hectares within the eco-sensitive zone of the sanctuary, home to the endangered Hoolock Gibbon, India’s only ape species.

This Stage-I clearance, given on August 27, follows a recommendation from Assam’s principal chief conservator of forests and the state’s chief wildlife warden. The sanctuary is also a habitat for wild elephants that move between the sanctuary and the Dissoi Valley Reserve Forest.

A conservation plan that would involve plantation of indigenous species and protection of wildlife, community awareness programs within an estimated budget of Rs 5.57 crore in order to reduce the impact on wildlife. The plan also demonstrates taking measures for the protection of the Hoolock Gibbons due to habitat loss and other human activities.

FAC pointed out that strict safety measures, as spelt out in the report of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on petroleum and natural gas, attained especial significance in the light of the nuclear Baghjan oil leak disaster in 2020. Periodic safety reviews and improved emergency response mechanisms can prevent environmental damages.

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Source: Moneycontrol

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